Friday, March 4, 2011

Irresistibly Sweet Guilty Pleasures

My new partner in crime, Rebecca Enzor, has blessed me with another award.  Without her, my award count would be: 0.  THANK YOU BECKA!

The rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share four guilty pleasures that you have.
3. Pass the award on to six other blogs.

4 Guilty Pleasures:
  1. Tudors on streaming netflix. 
  2. It started as research for my 3rd novel. Now I photoshop screenshots of the actors for my character bible.
  3. OGR: Obsessive Google Reader(ing)
  4. It's frightening how compulsively I try to keep up with the blogosphere. I probably spend the same number of hours reading and commenting as I do revising and this is NOT an exaggeration.
  5. Seth MacFarlane's twitter feed
  6. The night I discovered it, I stayed up 3 extra hours to read his tweets all the way to last summer. And I STAND at my laptop in the kitchen so my knee joints were tired.
  7. Playing pop songs on the piano really emo like Tori Amos
  8. My favorite is Katy Perry and Timbaland's duet

6 Irresistibly Sweet Bloggers:
  1. Theresa Milstein
  2. Angela Perry
  3. Jamie Grey
  4. Juliana Brandt
  5. Cindy Pon
  6. Slow Panic
You ladies are so frickin' nice and supportive.  Can't wait to see what sorts of sordid pleasures you occupy your time with.

Have a great weekend!


      1. OMG TUDORS! YES! So many hot guys and girls in that show. It's like eye-candy in period dress. (Anne Boleyn, however? Funky little nose on that one. Not ugly, just weird)

      2. thank you!!!!! Love the Tudors. Love them love them love them.

        does this award mean i have to blog? sigh. i think i'd better.....

        really, though, thank you so much!!!

      3. Aww! Thanks so much for the award! Guess I'm going to have to fess up to some guilty pleasures myself then! And yes - I am *totally* obsessed with google reader too! I really need to cut back on the number of blogs I follow! LOL

      4. Congrats on the award! I never finished Tudors S1 because my onDemand expired right before I watched the last ep!

        Re: playing pop songs...Sometimes, I wish I'd learned piano so I can do that. Have a great weekend!

      5. Tudors is on Netflix?! There went my weekend ;) Thanks for the link, and congrats on the award!

      6. Sophia, I am so glad to have met you! Your blog is such a fun and happy place ~ your guilty pleasures totally made me smile!

      7. Congratulations on our sweet award!

        I've mean to watch The Tutors. Thanks for the heads up.

      8. Ha - I commented, but somehow failed to notice my name. And you even gave me a heads up on my blog. Sorry! Thanks for passing the award onto me. : )


      I love dogs AND comments!


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