Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October/Filipino-American Crush of the Month: Dante Basco

Happy Fil-Am Month!  In case it wasn't obvious:  I Love Filipinos.

Because I'm a round-eyed Asian, people thought I was Pinay.  I learned hip-hop by watching the Flips in middle school.  (And from MTV's The Grind.)

This month's hawtness is Dante Basco.  You see, we were supposed to talk on the phone and fall in lust love.  But he lost my number.  Here's what happened:

When I was a bright-eyed young actor starting out in Hollywood, I attended an Asian American award ceremony.  Afterward, I accosted Ang Lee.  Then I saw Dante.

It was like the Beatles coming to America.  My mind started chanting, "Ru-fio. Ru-fio."

I watched Hook like 20 times as a tween.  Now dreamboat Rufio, my future husband (after Keanu Reeves), was standing there in a suit.

I ran up to him and gushed and preened and you know what he did?  He asked for my number.

Do the Pinoy got game or what?

So of course I gave him my cell phone, landline, all three emails, home address, social security number and date of birth.  And pin.  Just in case he needed money to call me.

photo credit
I mean, could you say no to that smirk?

And he goes, "My name's Dante, so you better pick up when I call."

Okay that doesn't translate well in writing, but it was very smooth.  Trust me.  I was like, "Okay *giggle  I will *giggle any time of night is okay ."

After sleeping with the phone under my pillow for 3 months and my door unlocked in case he wanted to drop by, I finally accepted the truth.

He had lost my number.

photo credit
"My name's Dante, can you help me find Sophia's number?"

Clearly, Dante has been trying to find me.  So good readers, if you see Mr. Basco, please direct him here.  (My boyfriend has already been apprised of the situation.)

Dante, you owe me a phone call.

Thanks for all your suggestions for September's Book Crush of the Month.  The winner is Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries.

*This (only slightly exaggerated) account happened YEARS ago - no disrespect to Dante's girl!  It was very sweet of him to entertain a fan.


  1. I love pinoys! In fact, I love them so much that I married one. Poor Dante...imagine all the sleepless nights he's spent worrying about that lost phone number...


    Love this post XD

  3. LOL!!! Sophia, this is awesome! I loved HOOK, too. Rufio rocked. I'll help you get the word out. ;D

  4. Dude, I had the BIGGEST thing for Rufio back in the day. I think those were the first tinglings of my Yellow Fever.

    He aged well. Rawr.

  5. LOL!!!! Tough luck, Dante! You missed out big time! :) LOVE this post, my honorary Pinay friend! :)

  6. So that's why we became friends! You love Pinoys and I just happened to be one. :P Well at any rate, I'm glad we clicked. And yes, you do look a little Filipino yourself. :D


  7. This is an amazing post. Of course, this would happen to you. I'm actually not surprised. Haha.

    And HOOK was one of my favorite movies growing up.

  8. It's totally Dante's loss! He will see when he stumbles upon your super awesome blog :)
    Thanks for the eye candy photo of Damon!

  9. Dante Basco! Good Lord! I ended up having to Google him to see what he looks like now because of this post! You should see The Debut (Fil-Am film). It has all the elements of a typical Filipino film.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog too!

  10. HOLYCRAPIT'SRUFIO!! Major crush from waaay back. I still love that movie.

    Dante, you better see this and drop Sophia an email!!

  11. i had a massive crush on a Fli-Canadian in elementary school...Lloyd...awww..memories!

  12. Ha! This was awesome! Dante's loss. :)

    And I think I now must start reading Vampire Diaries. Holy hotness!

  13. OMG, RUFIO!

    This blog has absolutely made my day. I'm very sorry he lost your number, but kudos to you for starting your very own internet campaign to rectify this situation. ;) Hope he calls soon...

  14. hey sofia... this is Dante... sorry I lost your number... So flattered after all these years you still have a crush on me... (even if its just a little one)

    See you next lifetime...

    till then, I'll subscribe to your blog to see what you're up to & read about the all the things that swim around your mind.

  15. Is it wrong that I fell in love with him as the voice of Zuko and then had to look him up on IMDB to realize he was in Hook? Ah well...

    And he comment too?!? Wow.


I love dogs AND comments!


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