Friday, August 26, 2011

Guess That Asian!

It's time for the 2011 Guess That Asian! ::crowd goes wild::

Head on over to the official contest page at Jo Whittemore's blog and you could win books by amazing Asian writers.

In other news, I'm insane participating in the Third Writer's Platform Building Campaign.  Between this, real NaNoWriMo and the upcoming crunch time at work, I should probably quit my Cityville addiction.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Singing with Project Glee at the Angel Awards

Damian, Samuel, me, Lindsay and Marisa (another Yardbird soprano)
Last night the Harvard Yardbirds, my a capella group, performed at Project Angel Food's Angel Awards honoring Glee producer Dante Di Loreto.  (Look, we're even mentioned in Los Angeles magazine!)

What a surprise to run into our fellow performers: three of the finalists from The Glee Project!  Damian, Samuel and Lindsay were super sweet (and really tall! I'm wearing 4-inch heels in the photo.)

We got to catch Damian's sound check, where his Irish accent killed the Yardbird ladies:

We were okay too...

Catch the finale of The Glee Project tonight and see if one of these adorable singers lands a spot on Glee!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

Ahem, I have an announcement...

It's my birthday weekend!  Consider this video from a recent Toys 'R' Us trip my gift to you.  Please don't blackmail me with it.

I'll be sharing the celebration with Krispy on Sunday at a 20's-40's themed restaurant/lounge.  We will post ridic-pix.

For my birthday, I'd like a 3-book deal with movie-tie-in.  I get to play my MC, of course.  Barring that, I'll settle for something off my wish list.  Oh yeah.  I am not above groveling for gifts.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Liebster Award

Thank you Bluestocking for the Liebster award!

This award is intended to connect bloggers, specifically those with less than 200 followers. In accepting the award, I must:
  • Show my thanks to the blogger who gave me the award by linking back to them.
  • Reveal my top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Post the award on my blog.
  • Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the internet—other writers.
  • And best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
These blogs are on my Gold Class list in Google Reader:
  1. A Nudge in the Right Direction - Alz and Krispy, my co-vlogger from Boba 4 Eva
  2. A Glimpse of Wistfulness - Linda whose photos of life in Taiwan make me jealous every day
  3. I Aspire To Be - Juliana Brandt is so real in her blog
  4. You Are the Unicorn of My Dreams - Lori M. Lee's blog. The name is award-worthy enough.
  5. Anime's Musings - Ani is an original girl-boyfriend and a fellow sufferer of Harry Potter Hex

Monday, August 8, 2011

SCBWI: Asian Edition

see how Texas sweetheart she is?
I finally got to hug my girl-boyfriend Jo Whittemore!
Lisa Yee signs her books

I pulled this one from Jo's twitter feed - we're Charlie's Angel-ing at dinner with the super-German, Asian-approved Kristen Kittscher.  Jo was such a celebrity, we kept getting pulled from the table to take photos.

At kidlit drinks on the final night I was inducted into the annual Guess the Asian photo.  Don't ask me how it works, I just posed and smiled.  I would tell you who's in the photo, but I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to give away.  Details on the Guess the Asian contest to come...

We also hung out with Cindy Pon and the camera-eluding Ellen Oh, who should be a stand-up comedian.  She's my badass homegirl from NYC (REPRESENT!!)

Still to come...Why Jay Asher probably thinks I'm his stalker...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mashti Malone

I'm off to the 40th SCBWI Conference!  If you're going, be sure to find the Asian who's constantly eating.  

I'll leave you with some Saffron Rosewater ice cream from Mashti Malone, one of the many hipster haunts L.A. is plagued with offers.

Here I am with Karyn and her husband after a double date to Iris, the Cirque du Soleil show at the Kodak Theater (home of the Oscars).


48 Hour Dark Marathon is still going on!  I've completed 2 rounds already (that's 4 days of no personal-use internet) and I'll get one more round in before it ends next Monday.  You can still sign up!


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