Monday, August 8, 2011

SCBWI: Asian Edition

see how Texas sweetheart she is?
I finally got to hug my girl-boyfriend Jo Whittemore!
Lisa Yee signs her books

I pulled this one from Jo's twitter feed - we're Charlie's Angel-ing at dinner with the super-German, Asian-approved Kristen Kittscher.  Jo was such a celebrity, we kept getting pulled from the table to take photos.

At kidlit drinks on the final night I was inducted into the annual Guess the Asian photo.  Don't ask me how it works, I just posed and smiled.  I would tell you who's in the photo, but I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to give away.  Details on the Guess the Asian contest to come...

We also hung out with Cindy Pon and the camera-eluding Ellen Oh, who should be a stand-up comedian.  She's my badass homegirl from NYC (REPRESENT!!)

Still to come...Why Jay Asher probably thinks I'm his stalker...


  1. Oh gosh, that sounds like so much fun! So lucky! :D

  2. Great photos! You look so cute. Sounds like you had a great time. Majorly envious! :)

  3. Can't wait to hear the full deets of your adventures!

  4. I'm expecting a full report on Sunday! Btw, I'm totally super excited! **eeeee**

  5. So great to finally meet you in person! And you are correct...reveal nobody in the photo!

  6. Again, your pics are adorbs. I would come back to your blog just for those :)

  7. I am SO going to win the Guess the Asian Contest. I need to retain my super-German, Asian-approved status:-)

    Loved hanging out with you and Jo. More impromptu lunches soon!

  8. Looks like you had fun. SCBWI, Asian edition. Too funny! I hope if we're ever at a conference together, you'll take pictures with me too. : )

  9. Once upon a time, I worked at a Japanese animation company and the president, Mr. Fujiyama, greeted me in Japanese. He thought I was Asian.

    Does that count?


  10. I think I need to be there for the next annual Guess the Asian photo. If only to add some maleness to it all. Great post!


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