Friday, January 18, 2013

Gratitude Friday

Enough with the stress! I recently moved and felt so burdened by some previous and current roommate issues, that I had to kick myself out of mopey into thankful with a gratitude list. Here is a handful of what I'm blessed with:

1) I had so much help moving in 

2) the California sun is back

3) my roommate is gone all weekend :)

4) I'm healthy

5) I get to live with my dog again

6) life goes on and is a blessing

7) wonderful people have given their time to reading my WIP

8) there exists such a thing as boba milk tea floats

9) I took an actual day off yesterday (I rarely do that!)

10) I just picked lemons from the tree in my backyard

life gives the sweetest lemons
Post your lists below for an instant shot of happy!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Blog in Review and Reading Wrap-up

Welcome 2013!!! I look forward to this time of year so I can do my favorite meme:

Take the first line from the first post of each month last year (make sure to link to it!)

2012 Blog in Review

"You know that guy who quits his finance job and travels around the world photographing amazing places all year?"

Blogging Booboos Revisited and Great Comments Award
"Remember Top 3 Things Well-Meaning Bloggers Do That Drive Readers Nuts?"

A Day in the Life and GIVEAWAY: Jenna Gustafson
"Our third Day in the Life profile will probably be our youngest ever - 15-year-old published MG author, Jenna Gustafson from Montana."

Reality Bites
"Last week:

It's Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month!

Wordless Wednesday: Optimism

"I'm actually at work today, but I hope the rest of you are enjoying your Fourth!"

"Greetings from CampNaNoWriMo!"

September - no posts, swamped with work

So You Think You Can Dance Wrap-up and Check In
"I'm not back!"

"My NaNoRevMo post was going to go up on Friday but something traumatic happened."

NaNoRevMo Wrap Up
"We survived!!!!!"

I only completed one of my reading challenges:

Dusty Bookshelf Challenge

25 books I own that have been growing dusty, now finished! See the montage HERE


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