Tuesday, October 22, 2013

sophiachang.com is LIVE!

After another madcap SCBWI full of penguin costumes (Random House jokes welcome), I've been full blast building my empire of college admissions, storytelling, and whole new brand:


I'd love for you to check it out and follow my new blog by signing up for updates HERE

and give my Facebook page some lovin' while you're at it - you'll get fun ALWAYS ORIGINAL pictures with inspirational sayings.

(Happy to exchange Likes!)

My twitter is now @thesophiachang - I'll be sending more life, work, love tweets about inspiration, personal development and running a heartfelt business.

I put my life's work into this new, evolving brand and I am so grateful for all the support you've given Sophia the Writer these last 3 years. See you at sophiachang.com!


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